Dan and Mallory

Dan and Mallory

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

15 weeks

I have been horrible at updating this blog, so I have a lot of information from the past few weeks.

So I am officially at 15 weeks, which means I am now in my second trimester. I am so happy to have left the first trimester behind me but it's horrible symptoms have lingered on. Week 14 was filled with nausea which I was hoping would be gone at 12 weeks. No such luck. I am feeling better this week and actually had the motivation to make dinners and catch up on some baking. I hope Dan is craving some sweets because I definitely had a good time baking. In the past 4 days alone I have made lemon bars, brownies, peach cobbler and chocolate chip cookies.

Before I go any further here is my 15 week picture. There is something there but I still feel like I am in an awkward in between stage.

At 13w1day we had our NT scan. I met Dan in Buffalo for the scan. I had to get my finger pricked to get a blood sample to be sent out. Then it was time for the ultrasound. At first the baby was all over the place, kicking and waving it's arms around. The baby was in a head stand though and it's neck was bent so the u/s tech couldn't get the measurements that she needed for the NT scan. She tried having me lay flat, making me cough, having me lay on my side, and pressing down on my belly to try to make the baby move. The baby was not having it and eventually fell asleep, and it looked like it was sucking on it's thumb. So cute, but we had to reschedule the scan for a week later and hope the baby would be in a different position.

The next week at 14w1d we were back to try the scan over again. The baby was still on it's head but she got a better picture. She was able to measure the nuchal fold and it looked perfect. She was also looking for a nasal bone for this scan and it was easily visible. We were able to get our results at the end of this appt because my blood work had come back. We have a 1 in over 10,000 chance for both trisomy 13 and 18 or Downs Syndrome, which means we have a healthy baby and everything looked great! I couldn't be happier!

Here is a picture of our little alien at the 2nd NT scan. a frontal view. You can see the facial bones. I asked the u/s tech if she could guess at the sex but she wouldn't even try. :(

Here is a picture from the first NT scan, a side view of the baby with it's hand up to it's mouth. This is the point where he/she had fallen asleep.

I didn't update last week so here is my 14w bump picture.

Our big ultrasound where we find out the sex is on Aug. 24th and it can't come soon enough! I will be 19w1d and my Dr. said I could have my scan at 18w so that extra week is going to KILL me. I am so anxious. My prediction right now is a girl. Dan is feeling the same way. I guess we will find out in a little less than 4 weeks!!

15 weeks:

Feeling: Good. The nausea seems to have subsided (hopefully for good).

Energy: pretty good but I am feeling like a headache could be coming. These 2nd tri headaches are killer.

Cravings: The other night I had to have orange juice, but it was 1:30am and Dan being the wonderful husband that he is went out to get me some.

Baby planning: We have started to clear out the baby room closet and emptying the baby room.

Movement: None yet, I thought I felt something the other day but nothing since so maybe I was imagining it. I can't wait until I know for sure that that is what I am feeling.

Crazy dreams: I had a dream that I had the baby, but it was really early so we didn't have any baby supplies yet. By the way it ended up being a girl, I wonder if my intuition is right??

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